Monday, May 16, 2011

Some Other Houses

Sooo... while we're waiting on that inspection on Wednesday (Click Here if you missed the big house news!) we figured we'd share some other houses we've taken a look at in the past week or so. 

This is a truly beautiful house that we saw on the same day as the one we are (hopefully) buying.  It was in a great neighborhood just east of the one that got away.  We loved everything about the house except that with two bedrooms it was a little smaller than some other houses we had looked at and it had a lot more done to it, reducing our ability to increase its value.  Nonetheless it was a great house:

The second house we saw that same day was also mostly remodeled, but it was a really lovely design and had three bedrooms.  This house was actually just down the street from the one we ended up putting the offer in on but this house was priced higher in our price range and again didn't have a lot that we could do to it to increase its value.  In addition, the lot backed up to a car maintenance shop with some very lovely barbed wire.  In the last picture, you can't see the barbed wire but it is right behind the garage on the right.  The white building with the grey roof is the shop.

It seems that blogger deleted one of our posts when it was doing maintenance last week, so we're also going to post pictures from a few houses we visited last week and the first house we put an offer in on!  Click below to keep reading if you missed last week's post:

This brick "ranchelow" was a real beauty, but it was small and the layout didn't make for easy expansion of anything.  It was also an a neighborhood that we weren't as confident about as other and was located across the street from an apartment building.  The next house was big and spacious with a layout that seemed to go on forever.  However, it was still only two bedrooms (although we might have been able to find room for a third) and was also not in the best area.  It was located far to the edge of the area we were willing to live in and we just weren't quite comfortable branching that far out for this particular house.  We did love the loft bedroom:

Finally, of course, there is the house that we put our first offer in on.  It is a real beauty with some very interesting choices inside.  It is definitely not as perfect as the house we're waiting on now, but it is still definitely second best on our list.  We never got any pictures of the strange strange kitchen or the worlds smallest bathroom and hopefully we'll never have to.

Keep those fingers crossed for us that we won't have to do any more of these house hunting posts!!!  We'll keep you posted!

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